Publisher: iUniverse
Product Code: YB00848
Author: Parker F. Campbell
Condition: Used Like New

Price: $34.99

Book in superb condition. All detail inquiries welcome.

Move over James Bond; meet Captain Peterson Smith, formerly of the US Navy. Smith is the son of a famous senator. HeÆs a former US Navy SEAL, an F-14 pilot, and an intelligence specialistùall without breaking a sweat. He even makes time to have coffee with his mother. Yes, Smith is the perfect soldier and perfect son à and the only person on earth who can save the world from mass destruction. Follow Captain Smith through three separate vignettes into the brave world of minisubs in Sweden. We first meet the honorable Smith in ôMinisub 83,ö as the captain leaves his American home to serve in the Royal Swedish Navy. ThereÆs no time to acclimate, however; he must use specially designed weapons against an evil foe. In ôMinisub 99,ö Smith must find a way to destroy wicked Dr. DimitriovÆs underwater headquarters.'
Used Like New
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